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INFO1113 Assignment
Due: 23 October 2022, 11:59PM AEST
The map consists of a grid of tiles 33x36. Each tile is 20x20 pixels, so the total is 720x660 pixels. The player
always begins in the top-left corner of this grid. However, the bottom 60 pixels of the window are
reserved for the information bar which contains text to display the current number of lives, spell cast
cooldown bar, current level number, and timer remaining on the powerup’s effect. The window size is
therefore 720x720.
There are 3 main types of
• Stone wall
• Brick wall
• Exit
The map is always surrounded
by a stone wall. The map
layout is specified in a file
named in the “layout”
attribute of the level in the
JSON configuration file
described below.
The config file is in located in config.json in the root
directory of the project. Use the simple json library to
read it. Sample config and level files are provided in
the scaffold.
The config sample as shown to the left, contains the
names of the level files. These are also located in the
root directory of the project. The level files will
contain a grid of text characters, where each
character represents what should be in that tile cell.
• X = stone walls
• B = brick walls
• Spaces are empty space.
• G is where gremlins should be placed
• W is where the player starts from
• E is the exit goal the player must reach to end the level and progress on to the next one.
Note that a map is valid if it has a bounding border of cement tiles, contains a starting point and exit, and
is of the correct dimensions. (all maps used for marking will be valid, but you should write your own tests
for invalid maps and handle them as you see fit).
The “wizard_cooldown” property of the level denotes in seconds the cooldown time between spell casts.
The “enemy_cooldown” property denotes in seconds the cooldown time between gremlins shooting
The player character is controlled using the arrow keys (up, down, left, right). Movement should be
smoothly transitioning from one tile space to another. The player begins in the tile ‘W’ on the map layout.
The user must be actively holding the movement key for movement to occur, otherwise movement stops
(when it reaches the next whole tile). The wizard may only stop movement on a whole tile space, not
part-way between tiles.
The wizard sprite should change depending on the direction they are facing:
The wizard can shoot fireballs by pressing the space bar. Fireballs travel in the direction the wizard is
currently facing, until they hit an object. Fireballs can destroy brick walls, triggering the following
animated destruction sequence: with each image lasting for 4 frames. This absorbs the fireball.
After a fireball spell is cast, the wizard must wait for their mana to recharge as shown with a progress bar
in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen. Different levels may make it more difficult or easier for the
wizard to cast spells (cooldown is specified in the config per level).
The player’s movement speed is 2 pixels per frame. Fireball speed is 4 pixels per frame.
Gremlin enemies are green mischievous figures. It has the character ‘G’ in the map layout. When hit by a
wizard’s fireball, it will disappear and respawn in another empty area of the map, at least 10 tiles radius
away from the player (in the process, absorbing the fireball). Each gremlin throws slime projectiles in the
direction of their current movement, with a frequency in seconds specified in the configuration JSON for
that level. If the gremlin hits a wall with more than one possible new direction to go in, it will randomly
choose a new direction but won’t go back the way it just came.
If the wizard comes into contact with a gremlin or its slime, they lose a life and the level is reset to its
original state. If the wizard’s fireball hits a gremlin’s slime, the slime absorbs the fireball, and in the
process is itself vapourised.
Gremlin movement speed is 1 pixel per frame and slime projectile speed is 4 pixels per frame.
A powerup is an item that can be collected by the player upon moving to that location on the board
(player character collides with it directly). You should decide a new symbol to use in the map layout config
to denote a powerup. Please be creative in designing the sprite for the powerup you decide to
implement. The functionality could be any one of the following things:
• Make enemies slow down for a timed period
• Make the player speed up for a timed period
• Make the player invincible for a timed period. Show some visual indication on enemies or the
player that this is the case – such as a border, or different colour.
• Make enemies freeze for a timed period
• Reduce spell cast (fireball) cooldown time for a timed period. Show some visual indication on the
spell cast cooldown progress bar (eg. different colour).
• Increase fireball area of effect for a timed period
Please ensure that the duration of the timer remaining is made clear to the player. (maybe there is a
counter in the top bar, with the name of the powerup’s effect. Or, a progress bar like as in the spell cast
cooldown). You should determine the time interval it lasts for (maybe around 10 seconds is reasonable).
You may also choose to implement a sound effect when the powerup is collected, and choose to animate
The powerup should not spawn immediately when the level loads, but only after some delay interval
(within 10 seconds). And when collected, it may respawn after another randomised delay interval, with
this process continuing. You may choose to implement multiple powerups and choose which one to
randomly spawn in. Note that the powerup system must be able to work with all map types.
Win and lose conditions
The current level is completed when the player reaches the exit. If there is another level, that level is then
loaded with the player starting in the position defined in the map layout. The player retains the number of
lives they had previously.
If there are no more levels and the player wins, display a screen saying “You win”.
If the player loses all of their lives, display a screen saying “Game over”.
FINM3405 Derivatives and Risk Management
Background of your client:
Glycine Workshop is a small family-owned soybean processing plant that processes soybean into soy-
bean meal and soybean oil. Soybean is one of the most volatile types of grains as a commodity. The
yield is highly affected by the weather conditions, either too dry or too wet would not be ideal for
Glycine Workshop is expected to yield about 400 million pounds of soybean oil per year. This
amounted to almost 1.2 million tonnes (approximately 42.5 million bushels) of soybean as the raw
product, which meant roughly a cost of $600 million per year at current prices. The manager of
Glycine Workshop - Mr. Glycine, was unaware of the existence of hedging when he started the busi-
ness in 2010. However, in the last two years, soybean price has increased dramatically, impacting the
business’s cash flow to purchase soybeans as a raw product (as seen in figure 1).
With the current market condition, Mr. Glycine is worried about the stability of the business. After
reviewing the inventory, Mr. Glycine expects to buy 0.4 million (approximately 14.2 million bushels)
of soybean in November 2022.
About the business outputs:
Soybean meal can be manufactured by crushing the soybeans, and a by-product of this process is
soybean oil. Soybean meal is commonly used for livestock feeding, as it has high protein and low
amino acid levels. Therefore, we would expect the prices of soybean, soybean meal, and soybean oil to
be highly related, and these three products are usually referred to as the soybean complex. Assume
that for Glycine Workshop, based on their equipment and technology, they can process 100 bushels of
the soybean into 2.4 short tons of soybean meal and 1100 pounds of soybean oil.
1003PSY Lab Report Assignment Information
The purpose of this assignment is to allow you to analyse data and practice writing a
research report. Although there are different sections to a research report, in this
assignment you will focus on those sections that are most relevant to the generation
and reporting of statistical information and research methodology (and the marking
criteria is weighted to reflect this). You will also gain experience in using a defined
style to present your information. This style is based on the guidelines provided by
the American Psychological Association (APA 7th Edition). The following information
is a guide you can use to help you prepare the report
Research Report Topic:
We live in a visually complex world. How can our brain process all the sensory
information it receives meaningfully? The answer is attention. Much like a spotlight,
humans can focus attention on a particular location or object for processing. The
spotlight is important for many daily tasks like reading, driving, shopping, or even
finding your friend at the beach!
Interestingly, recent work suggests that personality might be related to the size of the
attention spotlight and individual adopts (Figure 1). For example, using a computer
task called a cueing task, Wilson and colleagues (2016) observed a positive
association between the personality trait “openness” and the size of an individual’s
attention spotlight. That is, higher scores of openness were associated with a larger
spotlight. Further to this, higher scores of “conscientiousness” were associated with
a smaller spotlight.
Figure 1. Small (left) and large (right) attention spotlights.
Nonetheless, it is important to note that there are several ways to measure the
attention spotlight and the cueing task is just one of them. Furthermore, it is possible
that other personality traits, like neuroticism, might be associated with measures of
the spotlight other than the cueing task. Therefore, in your report, you will be
analysing data from a hypothetical study exploring the relationship between
personality and spotlight using another measure of attention: a change detection
Fundamentals of Programming
Swamp Of Life
Semester 2, 2022 v1.0
1 Preamble
In practicals you have implemented and learned about simulations, object-orientation and
(soon) how to automate the running of multiple simulations. In this assignment, you will be
making use of this knowledge to extend a given simulation to provide more functionality,
complexity and allow automation. You will then report on the results generated by the
2 The Problem
We will be simulating the movement of creatures/beings in an ecosystem – the Swamp Of
Life. The animals should include: ducks, newts and shrimp. Each creature will have
independent behaviour and interaction rules that are impacted by the state of the creature and
changes in “mode” for the simulation. There should also be non-moving objects, such as food
You will be given some sample code, showing a range of approaches to similar problems. For
the assignment, you will develop code to model the beings using objects, and to add features
to the simulation (e.g. more functionality, statistics, graphics). Your task is to extend the code
and then showcase your simulation, varying the input parameters, to show how they impact
the overall simulation. Note: you can also write your own code from scratch
The required extensions are:
1. Movement: Movement should change based on the age of the creature and use a
combination of reasoning and randomness for each move. You should provide the
option of Moore or Von Neumann neighbourhoods.
Prompts: How do they move towards or away from targets/threats? Are they
sometimes faster or slower? Are they always active, or does time have an impact?
2. Boundaries and Terrain: You should be able to read in the layout of the area from a
file, including boundaries to stop the beings going beyond the grid, and limiting
movement within the grid (walls). This should include some representation of land
and water, and the height/depth of the terrain.
Prompts: How can beings move between cells taking barriers into account? How do
you stop them moving to invalid spaces? How might the beings negotiate height?
3. Interaction: Your code should recognise when beings are in the same/neighbouring
cells and respond accordingly. It could be an interaction when one block away, or
require beings to be in the same cell – depending on the scenarios.
Prompts: How do you recognise a target/threat is near? Add rules as to what
happens when different combinations of beings meet.
4. Life-cycles: Your creatures should go through life-cycles, common to all creatures in
that class. This will include reproduction and death
Prompts: How do you trigger/time a change of state for the phases of development?
Does death take the creature out of the simulation, or do they impact the
environment? How realistic are your rules for reproduction?
5. Non-moving objects: You should model special cells/zones and their effect on the
beings. Beyond terrain, you will need a way to indicate that a cell has a "landmark"
for them to interact with e.g. food.
Prompts: How do you recognise the location of the non-moving objects? Can your
beings “see” or “smell” and move accordingly?
6. Visualisation/Results: Enhance the display for the simulation to vary the
representation of beings and the area they move in. You should display a log of
events and/or statistics for the simulation and also be able to save the simulation
state as a plot image or a csv file.
Prompts: How will you differentiate the beings? Are they the same throughout the
simulation? You may choose an “image” representation, to improve on using
coloured dots.
PUBH2007 Health Data Analysis
This assignment relates to the following journal articles:
Article 1: Effect of a Responsive Parenting Educational Intervention on Childhood
Weight Outcomes at 3 Years of Age. The INSIGHT Randomized Clinical Trial, JAMA.
2018 (Article1_Paul_etal_JAMA2018.pdf)
Article 2: Risk Factors Associated With Mortality Among Patients With COVID-19 in
Intensive Care Units in Lombardy, Italy, JAMA. 2020
Article 3: Presenting Characteristics, Comorbidities, and Outcomes Among 5700
Patients Hospitalized With COVID-19 in the New York City Area. JAMA. 2020
Article 4: Safety and Efficacy of the BNT162b2 mRNA Covid-19 Vaccine. NEJM. 2020
This assignment has eight questions. Questions 1 to 4 are related to Article 1. Question
5 is related to Articles 2 and 3. Question 6 is related to Article 2; Question 7 is related to
Article 3. Question 8 is on Articles 2, 3 and 4.
We will use two simulated data for statistical analyses in questions 3, 4 and 7. Use the R
datasets, RespParent.Rdata and DaysHospital.Rdata for questions 3, 4 and 7.
The simulated data is similar but not identical to the data used in the articles. You will
need to download and save the data file onto your computer and then LOAD it into
Data Description
ID Identifier
Sex1 Boy or Girl in Treatment Group
Sex2 Boy or Girl in Control Group
BirthWgt1 Birth Weight (kgs) in Treatment Group
BirthWgt2 Birth Weight (kgs) in Control Group
BMI1 BMI at age 3 years in Treatment Group
BMI2 BMI at age 3 years in Control Group
zBMI1 z-score of BMI1
zBMI2 z-score of BMI2
Z1grouped zBMI1 grouped into ranges
z2grouped zBMI2 grouped into ranges
DifferenceZ1Z2 zBMI1 – zBMI2
patid Patient ID
status Patients Status: Discharged alive, Died, In hospital
days Length of stay in hospital in days *
*As explained in Article 3, length of stay begins with admission time and ends with
discharge time or time of death or the number of days in hospital by the study endpoint.
Assessment 2 Questions
1. In your own words, write a brief summary of the study design, participants,
interventions and the primary outcome but not the results (200 words) presented
in Article 1. In addition, comment on decisions made regarding twin births and the
participant allocation used in the study design (100 words). 10%
2. Construct a two-way table showing gender in rows and parenting groups in
columns, using the data from the table in Article 1. Use an appropriate statistical
test to see if the randomisation produced significantly different proportions of girls
in parenting groups. Justify your findings using a confidence interval. 20%
3. Reproduce the Table in Article 1 with just two rows for Girls and Birthweight
using RespParent.Rdata. Include the correct headings and row information.
Interpret your reproduced Table. 10%
4. Using RespParent.Rdata, conduct a hypothesis test to check if the absolute
difference of the mean BMI z scores is 0. 15%
5. In your own words, compare the study designs, participants, and research
questions but not the results of studies presented in articles 2 and 3 (300 words).
6. Construct a two-way table for age categories (4 categories) and dead or alive (2
categories), using the data from Table 1 in Article 2? What are the conditional
distributions of patients’ dead or alive given specific age categories? 10%
7. Table 5 of Article 3 shows a statistical summary [median (IQR)] of the length of
stay (in days) in hospital by patient status (Discharged alive, Died, In hospital).
Use the simulated data DaysHospital.Rdata to answer the following
question: Are the mean length of hospital stay differ between patients in the
hospital (‘In hospital’) and not in the hospital (‘Discharged alive’ or ‘Died’)?
Discuss your findings. 20%
8. Article 4 attempts to find a solution to the disease discussed in articles 2 and 3.
What are the main differences in the study presented in Article 4 compared to the
studies in articles 2 and 3? (100 words)? 5%
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