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Create ONE multiple‐choice quiz question (JUST ONE) with FIVE response options based on the content taught in
Lectures 1‐6 and Tutorials 1‐3. You must use the modified/simulated data set provided for THIS assignment (Data for
the Regression Assignment 2022). The participants in this dataset were 1 st ‐year psychology students (N=187). You do
not need to describe the participants for your assignment.
Using this data set, you need to:
1. Choose ANY SIX variables, ONE dependent and FIVE independent variables.
2. Postulate your research question and conduct the relevant analyses using SPSS. You are NOT required to cite
existing research, but your question must be plausible and interesting to psychologists!
a. Your analyses must contain one dependent variable and five independent variables chosen from the
data set provided;
b. The five independent variables must be chosen from at least four different clusters detailed in the
‘Description of Variables’ document (e.g., NOT all from the COPE Inventory or Personality Item Pool);
c. Correlations between the independent variables must be below |.50|;
d. You must conduct a simultaneous multiple regression (not sequential or simple linear regression);
e. The results must include at least TWO statistically significant predictors, and one must be negative;
f. Do NOT include any interaction terms or categorical variables in the analyses for THIS assignment.
3. For the response options:
a. You must have FIVE multiple‐choice response options, labelled A, B, C, D, and E.
b. Only ONE of the response options is to be correct, and it must be labelled with an asterisk (*).
c. Each response option must include reasons why it is a CORRECT or INCORRECT response (see the
multiple examples in the practice quizzes).
d. You CANNOT use response options such as “All of the Above” or “None of the Above” or “Both a and b”.
e. Your question CANNOT be “Which of the following five options is FALSE”.
4. For the CONTENT of your FIVE response options:
a. One response option must be based on interpretation(s) of the unstandardised or standardised
regression coefficient(s) (plenty of examples can be found in the lectures/tutorials).
b. One response option must be based on the formulae/calculations involved in the results/output (plenty
of examples can be found in the lectures/tutorials).
c. One response option must be based on a “Plain English” conclusion (plenty of examples can be found in
the lectures/tutorials).
d. One response option must be based on calculations using the regression equation (plenty of examples
can be found in the lectures/tutorials).
e. One response option is entirely up to you (surprise us ?).
5. You will need to submit ONE pdf OR word file containing:
a. Your ‘research’ question (50‐100 words max), specifying the names of the variables that you used in
parentheses (plenty of examples can be found in the lectures/tutorials)
b. Your multiple‐choice quiz item (including all five response options and the reasons for each being
c. Relevant syntax and correlation matrix (copied and pasted in its entirety into Appendix A)
d. All submissions will be processed through Turnitin. Plagiarism of any sort will not be tolerated.
e. Copy and paste the SPSS output/tables as pictures. However, paste your syntax as text so we can re‐
run it during marking.
Any tables used in your quiz item can be either in APA format or copied directly from SPSS output (make sure they fit on
the page). Whatever SPSS output you based your quiz question on must be included in the ‘quiz file’ submitted (see
template). However, your syntax and correlation matrix (even for the analyses NOT used for the quiz question) must be
included in the Appendix (see template).
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