HPS201 HPS771
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Study 1
According to recent media, it’s no longer cool to be famous on Instagram (AFR, 22 June 2022). While this view may apply to teenagers, it is not known if young adults hold the same view as teenagers.
To investigate this question, you recruit a sample of 40 teenagers and 40 young adults (all participants have an Instagram account). For each participant, you record if they agree with the statement “It’s cool to be famous on Instagram”.
The data from this study can be found in the file Instagram.omv. The variable Group indicates if a participant is a teenager or a young adult. The variable Famous indicates if a participant agrees (or disagrees) with the statement “It’s cool to be famous on Instagram”. The variable Minutes indicates how many minutes a participant spends on social media per day.
Study 1 - Questions
1. Conduct the appropriate analysis to examine if young adults are significantly more likely to agree with the statement “It’s cool to be famous on Instagram” compared to teenagers. Attach the relevant jamovi output to your submission. Report the results of the analysis in APA format including all relevant information. (3 Marks)
2. Based on the data collected, Dr T-Tock concludes that participants who spend 90 minutes or more on social media per day are significantly more likely to agree (than disagree) with the statement “It’s cool to be famous on Instagram”. Is Dr T-Tock correct? Justify your response and attach the relevant jamovi output to your submission. (2 Marks)
Study 2
Dr Techno claims that students who play a musical instrument are more likely to score a High Distinction (HD) on their Research Methods exam than students who don’t play a musical instrument. To evaluate this claim, Dr Techno recruits a sample of university students and classifies each student based on whether they play a musical instrument or not. For each student, Dr Techno also records if they score an HD or not. Dr Techno then runs a Chi-square analysis to test for an association between the variables Music (whether a student plays a musical instrument or not) and Exam (whether a student scores an HD on their exam or not).
Statistical Output
Based on the jamovi output and the background information provided, Dr Techno reports the results of the analysis as follows:
A Chi-square Goodness of Fit Test was conducted to test if students who play a musical instrument are more likely to score a High Distinction (HD) on their exam than students who don’t. The analysis suggested that students who play a musical instrument are significantly more likely to score a HD on their exam than students who do not play a musical instrument, 2(df = 1, N = 60) = 7.18, p > .05, = .35.
Study 2 - Questions
1. List any factual mistakes made by Dr Techno in the above statement. For each mistake, note why Dr Techno is incorrect. (3 Marks)
2. Re-write Dr Techno’s statement after correcting any mistakes made. (2 Marks)
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